The Roman Society

Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies


Join us and enjoy reading our prestigious journals (Britannia and the Journal of Roman Studies), access to one of the world's greatest classics libraries, and a varied programme of events, including conferences, lectures and site visits.

The Society encourages Roman studies by offering a wide range of grants to support research and publications, by providing training opportunities for young researchers, and by promoting the teaching of Latin in schools.

Members of the Roman Society are entitled to:

  • Receive annually online and/or in print form either the Journal of Roman Studies or Britannia or both. Student members receive their journal(s) online only. All members have access to the full archive of back volumes of the journals online.
  • Receive (by email) the biannual e-Newsletter, Epistula.
  • Receive advance notice of forthcoming monographs at special offer prices.
  • Use the library and borrow the Society's books, either in person or by post, while living or resident in the UK.
  • Attend the Society's lectures and other events, of which a programme is circulated in September.


How to Join

Join online here. Or download the application form here.

Renew your membership online here
(If you have not previously registered and don't know your membership number please contact or use the 'Join Online' page.)

You may also download the following forms:

Printed forms are available at the library or from the Secretary, Roman Society, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. 

Annual Subscription Rates

Subscriptions are due annually on 1st January. The journals are published in November each year. New members who join after 1st September may either join for the current year and receive the journal(s) published that November, or join for the following year, in which case they can use the Library, borrow books and enjoy the other benefits from the date of joining, but will not receive their print copy of the journal(s) until the November of the following year.

Full Members & Schools

Subscription rates:
(or US$128) for one journal (JRS or Britannia) (£63 by direct debit)
£95 (or US$190) for both journals (£92 by direct debit)

Download a Direct Debit form here.

Student Members

£25 (or US$50) for online access
£40 (or US$80) for online access & a print copy of one journal
£60 (or US$120) for both journals online & in print

Student Members are entitled to all the privileges of full members, except that of voting at meetings. They must be registered at an institution of higher education. Student membership is open to students from any country, whether studying part-time or full-time. Students receive their journal(s) online but may pay an extra £15/US$30 for a print copy. 

Life Members 

Life Members must be over 65 and have been full members of the Society for five years. The current cost of Life Membership is £532/$1065 and includes subscription to either the JRS or Britannia. To receive both journals, there is an extra annual subscription of  £64/$128. 

Institutional Members

Please contact Cambridge University Press for current subscription rates and all other enquiries. One representative of each UK institution is entitled to all the privileges of full members, except that representatives of overseas institutions may not vote at meetings. Schools pay at the same rate as full members.

The Roman Society
Senate House
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU

Telephone: 020 7862 8727


The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (The Roman Society) is a registered charity in the UK.

Charity Registration Number: 210644
Company Registration Number: 114442